Site contact / who  are we?

A  55 Squadron Association re-union - Stanhope Arms, Kensington with Wg Cdr Harvey and Ex and Serving Squadron members 1967 / 8
A 55 Squadron Association re-union - Stanhope Arms, Kensington with Wg Cdr Harvey and Ex and Serving Squadron members 1967 / 8


The 55 Squadron Association is now only available here online


After a proud history the Squadron finally disbanded in 2011 so there are no active members.


We invite all ex-55 Squadron members to join the Member List on our site.

Your contact and service details will only appear in the Member section, which requires a password. 


There is also a list for Friends of 55 Squadron for family members and researchers. 


To join either list, complete the appropriate application form below  (including the code window at the bottom) and we will send the you password.


All other enquiries and contact -  use this link on the right:   Contact Webmaster  

 and not the form below 


Application to join Membership/Friends of 55 Squadron list

Note   The following form  is for people wishing to join the Member or Friends lists only.

Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.